Thursday, May 17, 2007

Strobe lights and blown speakers

I have a couple of lights above my head that are almost going out, but have decided to go down blazing, being like strobe lights. Combining this with looking at a computer screen all day is probably going to make me blind, unless if I'm lucky, in which case I'll be able to shoot laser beams from my eyes! Yeah!

To complete the mostly-coincidential Radiohead reference in the title, my car speakers are slightly blown because of my brother's treachery. (It was originally his car. I suppose he didn't necessarily blow the speakers deliberately and treacherously, but we can all agree that ascribing somebody's innocuous actions to "treachery" is fun...and educational!)

Oh, heh, I decided to crawl out of my shell and accidentally make a friend this morning. Soon after waking up, my cell phone exhorted me to "buy these shoes (you'll jump higher!)." As every retired naval officer knows, this meant a text message. This one was from a stranger! "It's National Good Looking Day! Send this to someone gorgeous and sexy. But don't send it back to me, I've been getting this message all freaking day." Thanks, I particularly enjoy random appraisals of my beauty from people who are possibly 43-year-old stubble-y truckers!* With this in mind, I replied "Who the devil are you?!" As it happens, though, this person thought I was her cousin (I'm not), who apparently had the same number as me. And this person being gregarious started up a conversation, at the end of which I reluctantly told her of my facebook. So now we've opened a correspondence; her citizens are allowed to use my ports and there are favorable duties on most goods. Still, who knows what could happen? I'm starting a pool, and I'm going to guess "more or less nothing."

I used the term "friend" above, and I just remembered that I was going to post about my "friend vs. associate" theory. But I didn't, and I don't feel like writing too much more tonight. Tune in...uh, sooner or later.

* It's common knowledge that every person you don't know on the Internet is actually a 40something greasy male who still lives with his parents and wears women's underwear. Especially if they are posing as young women. So, it's not too much of a stretch to apply this to mysterious text-messaging people.


Thirdmango said...

I have a very similar story but instead of text messaging it was letter writing. I'll have to tell you about it sometime. The story ends in a New Testament class with me having a very scared look on my face.

Krebscout said...

you have such a way with words/people, which are interchangeable.

Brooklyn said...

You're fantastic.