Monday, May 7, 2007

Eat photons, smallheads!

I don't write for the 100 Hour Board, but I play one on TV. A 100 Hour Board, that is.

The reason I bring this up is that many of my friends who blog are affiliated, or have been affiliated, with the Board. Thus, you who read this must think "Hey, he's related to the Board!" Which is not true. Jerks.

So today's subject is respect. Specifically, self-respect. Where is the line between being a good friend and having no self-respect? I guess I should give some background. How far does the law of "love thy neighbor" bind me in situations where I keep my promises to a person, often go out of my way to talk with them or invite them to things with not much in the way of return?

Yes, I have somebody in mind. How could you tell? And it's a g-g-g-girl. And having a crush on said girl makes me foolish and not ubermensch-ish. Sure, I don't really care about fulfilling Nietzsche's dreams. But this girl either doesn't realize how much it frustrates me and is doing this unconsciously, or she knows that she does it and can't help it. (I guess I need to protect my ego by excluding "She hates my guts" as a possibility.) This leads me to say "If she doesn't respect me with her actions (regardless of what her motives are), I need to supply that respect myself."

So I need friends that respect me as I respect them...or I guess I should say that I already have them, but they're out of reach, since I work all the time. And my id pops in and says "Plus you need attractive, available female friends!! For the dating!!"

I should name my id.

1 comment:

Thirdmango said...

I named my Id The Fantastic Mr. Squiggles. He's a barrel of monkeys he is.