Friday, May 11, 2007

Sadistic theory of blogging

Like most of you, I have no talent for creativity. So I asked krebscout to give me ideas for a blog post. She suggested, and I quote: "work, life, milk, and/or heavy metal." In an effort to deliberately create a lousy post so that magically a good one will come out, I've decided to combine two of these and make 'em the worst blog post ever. Namely, osmium being in milk.

Osmium is a pretty heavy metal! When you look at a mountain and the ore contained therein (or, as I like to do, look downwards at the ground to the metallic core of the earth), you just might be fixing your gaze at churlish iron and vulgar tin cowering before the mighty osmium. Or maybe it's the other way around: gold snickers "Where ya headed, tubbo?" when osmium is mined, and even uranium is picked for teams in P.E. before poor no. 76. Granted, uranium commands a certain respect due to the whole "look at me wrong and I'll blast some gamma rays on your kneecaps!" thing, but maybe life is hard for osmium.

So you have isolation and loneliness from being the best on one hand, or ridicule and weakness on the other. What would you do? Personally, I shout with the combined voices of the children of America: "Jump into milk, creating trace amounts of myself that could be poisonous!!" Hence, osmium in milk.

Man, that really was silly. I'd ask for your forgiveness, but I don't think I will. I've got angry Japanese people to talk to.

Edit: Yes, I DO realize that this is a pretty dumb post. But, like rock'n'roll bands and Orville Redenbacher, I have to appease the masses by pushing out large quantities of product.


Krebscout said...

oh man, Pete, oh man.

Don't stop rockin.

Krista said...

Osmium, you will be glad to learn, can be found in everyday items like the tips of ballpoint pens.

Man, the strange things I remember from high school science classes. Perhaps not the most valuable, but still definitely awesome.

Genuine Draft said...

I'm so glad krebscout told me about this blog. And you should stop the working and hang out with us more. The end.