Friday, August 3, 2007

Slob Mode activated!

I wrote a new song. Woo! It's based on how I don't have any energy when I wake up, and oftentimes I decide to loosen my belt and not shower and... hey, you're guilty too; I can see it in your eyes! Anyways, it's called "Slob Mode" and should be rockin'. It isn't disco rock, nor is it "chaos punk," but it's kind of nice-sounding rock. (That's vague, semi-purposefully.)

I haven't written anything new on the blog in a while. This is because I've been too busy feasting on giant spider corpses and ...quiche. (At least one of these is a lie. Can you tell which one?)

Wizard needs haircut, badly.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Real men don't eat quiche.